Interface IEventProvider
- Namespace
- NRules.Diagnostics
- Assembly
- NRules.dll
Provider of rules session events.
public interface IEventProvider
Raised when a new rule activation is created. A new activation is created when a new set of facts (tuple) matches a rule. The activation is placed on the agenda and becomes a candidate for firing.
event EventHandler<AgendaEventArgs> ActivationCreatedEvent
Event Type
Raised when an existing activation is deleted. An activation is deleted when a previously matching set of facts (tuple) no longer matches the rule due to updated or retracted facts. The activation is removed from the agenda and is no longer a candidate for firing.
event EventHandler<AgendaEventArgs> ActivationDeletedEvent
Event Type
Raised when an existing activation is updated. An activation is updated when a previously matching set of facts (tuple) is updated and it still matches the rule. The activation is updated in the agenda and remains a candidate for firing.
event EventHandler<AgendaEventArgs> ActivationUpdatedEvent
Event Type
Raised when agenda expression is evaluated. This event is raised on both, successful expression evaluations, and on exceptions.
event EventHandler<AgendaExpressionEventArgs> AgendaExpressionEvaluatedEvent
Event Type
- See Also
Raised when agenda expression evaluation threw an exception. Gives observer of the event control over handling of the exception.
event EventHandler<AgendaExpressionErrorEventArgs> AgendaExpressionFailedEvent
Event Type
- See Also
Raised after a new fact is inserted into working memory.
event EventHandler<WorkingMemoryEventArgs> FactInsertedEvent
Event Type
Raised before a new fact is inserted into working memory.
event EventHandler<WorkingMemoryEventArgs> FactInsertingEvent
Event Type
Raised after an existing fact is retracted from the working memory.
event EventHandler<WorkingMemoryEventArgs> FactRetractedEvent
Event Type
Raised before an existing fact is retracted from the working memory.
event EventHandler<WorkingMemoryEventArgs> FactRetractingEvent
Event Type
Raised after an existing fact is updated in the working memory.
event EventHandler<WorkingMemoryEventArgs> FactUpdatedEvent
Event Type
Raised before an existing fact is updated in the working memory.
event EventHandler<WorkingMemoryEventArgs> FactUpdatingEvent
Event Type
Raised when left-hand side expression is evaluated. This event is raised on both, successful expression evaluations, and on exceptions.
event EventHandler<LhsExpressionEventArgs> LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent
Event Type
Raised when left-hand side expression evaluation threw an exception. Gives observer of the event control over handling of the exception.
event EventHandler<LhsExpressionErrorEventArgs> LhsExpressionFailedEvent
Event Type
Raised when right-hand side expression is evaluated. This event is raised on both, successful expression evaluations, and on exceptions.
event EventHandler<RhsExpressionEventArgs> RhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent
Event Type
- See Also
Raised when right-hand side expression evaluation threw an exception. Gives observer of the event control over handling of the exception.
event EventHandler<RhsExpressionErrorEventArgs> RhsExpressionFailedEvent
Event Type
- See Also
Raised after a rule has fired and all its actions executed.
event EventHandler<AgendaEventArgs> RuleFiredEvent
Event Type
Raised before a rule is about to fire.
event EventHandler<AgendaEventArgs> RuleFiringEvent