Namespace NRules.Fluent
Contains types that allow loading internal DSL rules via reflection.
- DefaultRuleActivator
Default rule activator that uses reflection to instantiate rules.
- RuleActivationException
Represents errors that occur when instantiating rule classes.
- RuleDefinitionException
Represents errors that occur while building rule definition using fluent DSL.
- RuleDefinitionFactory
Creates instances of IRuleDefinition from the fluent DSL Rule instances.
- RuleMetadata
Metadata associated with a rule defined using internal DSL.
- RuleMetadataExtensions
Extension methods on IRuleMetadata to simplify rule metadata access.
- RuleProperties
Rule property names.
- RuleRepository
Rules repository based on the rules defined inline using internal DSL. Use Load(Action<IRuleLoadSpec>) method to fluently load rules into the repository.
- RuleTypeScanner
Assembly scanner that finds fluent rule classes.
- IRuleActivator
Rule activator that instantiates rules based on the CLR types. Default activator uses reflection activator. An instance of
can be assigned to Activator, so that all rule instantiation requests are delegated to the rule activator.
- IRuleLoadSpec
Fluent specification to load rule definitions via reflection.
- IRuleMetadata
Metadata associated with a rule defined using internal DSL.
- IRuleTypeScanner
Assembly scanner that finds fluent rule classes.