Namespace NRules.RuleModel
Contains types that represent rules in the canonical model form.
- ActionElement
Action executed by the engine when the rule fires.
- ActionGroupElement
Rule element that groups actions that run when the rule fires.
- AggregateElement
Rule element that creates new facts (aggregates) based on matching facts it receives as input.
- AndElement
Grouping element based on the logical AND condition.
- BindingElement
Rule element that represents results of an expression.
- Context
Empty context for cases where traversal context is not needed.
- Declaration
Rule element declaration.
- DeclarationExtensions
Extension methods to convert between Declaration and ParameterExpression.
- DependencyElement
Dependency that the rule uses when its actions run.
- DependencyGroupElement
Rule element that groups dependencies that the rule uses when its actions runs.
- ExistsElement
Existential quantifier.
- ExpressionCollection
Ordered readonly collection of named expressions.
- ExpressionElement
Rule element that defines an expression.
- FilterElement
Filter that determines which rule matches should trigger rule actions.
- FilterGroupElement
Rule element that groups filters that determine which rule matches should trigger rule actions.
- ForAllElement
Universal quantifier.
- GroupElement
Grouping element that logically combines the patterns or other grouping elements.
- NamedExpressionElement
Expression with a name used by an aggregator.
- NotElement
Negative existential quantifier.
- OrElement
Grouping element based on the logical OR condition.
- PatternElement
Rule element that represents a pattern that matches facts.
- PropertyMap
Readonly map of rule properties.
- RuleElement
Base class for rule elements.
- RuleElementVisitor<TContext>
Visitor to traverse or rewrite rule definition (or its part).
- RuleProperty
Arbitrary value associated with a rule.
- RuleSet
Default implementation of a rule set.
- RuleSetExtensions
Extension methods on IRuleSet.
- IContext
Rules engine execution context. Can be used by rules to interact with the rules engine, i.e. insert, update, retract facts.
- IFact
Fact in the engine's working memory.
- IFactMatch
Represents a fact matched by a rule.
- IFactSource
Source of the fact, for synthetic facts.
- IIdentityProvider
Interface for facts that provide custom identity.
- IKeyedLookup<TKey, TElement>
Collection of facts grouped by a key. Exposes all keys present in the lookup as a Keys collection.
- IMatch
Represents a match of all rule's conditions.
- IRuleDefinition
Production rule definition in the canonical rule model.
- IRuleRepository
In-memory database of production rules arranged into rule sets. IRuleSet
- IRuleSet
Represents a named set of rules.
- ITuple
Set of facts matched by the rules engine.
- ActionTrigger
Activation events that trigger the actions.
- ElementType
Describes the element types for the elements of a rule definition.
- FactSourceType
Type of source that produced the fact.
- FilterType
Type of filter applied to rule matches.
- MatchTrigger
Event that triggered the match.
- RuleRepeatability
Rule repeatability.
- SortDirection
Order that the sort should be performed in.