Namespace NRules.Testing
Contains types that enable testing of rules authored using internal DSL.
- FactConstraint
Represents a constraint on the facts matched by a rule. Fact constraints are used to configure rule firing expectations.
- FactConstraint<TFact>
Represents a strongly-typed constraint on facts matched by a rule.
- Matched
Fluent builder for specifying fact constraints in a rule firing expectation.
- RuleAssertResult
Represents the result for a rule firing assertion.
- RuleAssertionException
Exception that represents a violation of rule firing expectations.
- RulesTestFixture
Fixture to test rules.
- RulesTestHarness
Rules under test compiled into a rules engine session along with the means to verify rules firing.
- RuleInfo
Information about a rule under test.
- Times
Fluent builder for specifying the number of rule invocations in a rule firing expectation.
- IQualifiedRuleFiringVerification
Represents specific rule firing verification that uses qualified rule firing expectations.
- IRuleAsserter
Abstracts assertion logic for the specific testing/assertion framework.
- IRuleFiringVerification
Represents specific rule firing verification.
- IRuleInvocationRecorder
Controls the recording of rule invocations and provides access to the recorded invocations.
- IRuleSequenceFiringVerification
Fluent interface to build exact rule sequence firing verification.
- IRulesFiringVerification
Fluent interface to build specific rule firing verification.
- IRulesFiringVerification<TVerification>
Fluent interface to build rules firing verification.
- IRulesTestSetup
Sets up rules test.
- IRulesUnderTest
Represents the rules under test.
- IRulesVerification
Verifies recorded rules invocations against expectations.
- RuleAssertStatus
Represents assertion outcome (pass/fail).