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Class RuleElementExtensions

public static class RuleElementExtensions
Inherited Members


Match(GroupElement, Action<AndElement>, Action<OrElement>)

Matches a group element to an appropriate action based on the concrete type of the element. Type-safe implementation of discriminated union for group elements.

public static void Match(this GroupElement element, Action<AndElement> and, Action<OrElement> or)


element GroupElement

Group element to match.

and Action<AndElement>

Action to invoke on the element if the element is a AndElement.

or Action<OrElement>

Action to invoke on the element if the element is a OrElement.

Match(RuleElement, Action<PatternElement>, Action<AggregateElement>, Action<GroupElement>, Action<ExistsElement>, Action<NotElement>, Action<ForAllElement>)

Matches a rule element to an appropriate action based on the concrete type of the element. Type-safe implementation of discriminated union for rule elements.

public static void Match(this RuleElement element, Action<PatternElement> pattern, Action<AggregateElement> aggregate, Action<GroupElement> group, Action<ExistsElement> exists, Action<NotElement> not, Action<ForAllElement> forall)


element RuleElement

Rule element to match.

pattern Action<PatternElement>

Action to invoke on the element if the element is a PatternElement.

aggregate Action<AggregateElement>

Action to invoke on the element if the element is an AggregateElement.

group Action<GroupElement>

Action to invoke on the element if the element is a GroupElement.

exists Action<ExistsElement>

Action to invoke on the element if the element is an ExistsElement.

not Action<NotElement>

Action to invoke on the element if the element is a NotElement.

forall Action<ForAllElement>

Action to invoke on the element if the element is a ForAllElement.