Interface ISession
- Namespace
- NRules
- Assembly
- NRules.dll
Represents a rules engine session. Created by ISessionFactory. Each session has its own working memory, and exposes operations that manipulate facts in it, as well as fire matching rules.
public interface ISession : ISessionSchemaProvider
- Inherited Members
Action interceptor for the current rules session. If provided, invocation of rule actions is delegated to the interceptor.
IActionInterceptor? ActionInterceptor { get; set; }
Property Value
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
Agenda, which represents a store for rule matches.
IAgenda Agenda { get; }
Property Value
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
Controls how the engine propagates linked facts from rules that insert/update/retract linked facts in their actions.
By default, AutoPropagateLinkedFacts is true
and the engine automatically
propagates linked facts at the end of the rule's actions.
If AutoPropagateLinkedFacts is false
, linked facts are queued, and have to be
explicitly propagated by calling PropagateLinked() method.
bool AutoPropagateLinkedFacts { get; set; }
Property Value
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
Rules dependency resolver for the current rules session.
IDependencyResolver DependencyResolver { get; set; }
Property Value
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
Provider of events from the current rule session. Use it to subscribe to various rules engine lifecycle events.
IEventProvider Events { get; }
Property Value
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
Provider of session performance metrics for the current rule session.
IMetricsProvider Metrics { get; }
Property Value
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
Starts rules execution cycle. This method blocks until there are no more rules to fire.
int Fire()
- int
Number of rules that fired.
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
Starts rules execution cycle. This method blocks until maximum number of rules fired or there are no more rules to fire.
int Fire(int maxRulesNumber)
intMaximum number of rules to fire.
- int
Number of rules that fired.
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
Fire(int, CancellationToken)
Starts rules execution cycle. This method blocks until maximum number of rules fired, cancellation is requested or there are no more rules to fire.
int Fire(int maxRulesNumber, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
intMaximum number of rules to fire.
CancellationTokenEnables cooperative cancellation of the rules execution cycle.
- int
Number of rules that fired.
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
Starts rules execution cycle. This method blocks until there are no more rules to fire or cancellation is requested.
int Fire(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
CancellationTokenEnables cooperative cancellation of the rules execution cycle.
- int
Number of rules that fired.
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
Inserts new fact to the rules engine memory.
void Insert(object fact)
objectFacts to insert.
Bulk session operations are more performant than individual operations on a set of facts.
- ArgumentException
If fact already exists in working memory.
Inserts new facts to the rules engine memory.
void InsertAll(IEnumerable<object> facts)
IEnumerable<object>Facts to insert.
Bulk session operations are more performant than individual operations on a set of facts.
- ArgumentException
If any fact already exists in working memory.
Propagates all queued linked facts.
IEnumerable<ILinkedFactSet> PropagateLinked()
- IEnumerable<ILinkedFactSet>
Collection of propagated sets of linked facts.
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
Creates a LINQ query to retrieve facts of a given type from the rules engine's memory.
IQueryable<TFact> Query<TFact>()
- IQueryable<TFact>
Queryable working memory of the rules engine.
Type Parameters
Type of facts to query. Use object to query all facts.
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
Removes existing fact from the rules engine memory.
void Retract(object fact)
objectFact to remove.
Bulk session operations are more performant than individual operations on a set of facts.
- ArgumentException
If fact does not exist in working memory.
Removes existing facts from the rules engine memory.
void RetractAll(IEnumerable<object> facts)
IEnumerable<object>Facts to remove.
Bulk session operations are more performant than individual operations on a set of facts.
- ArgumentException
If any fact does not exist in working memory.
Inserts a fact to the rules engine memory if the fact does not exist.
bool TryInsert(object fact)
objectFact to insert.
- bool
Whether the fact was inserted or not.
Bulk session operations are more performant than individual operations on a set of facts.
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
Inserts new facts to the rules engine memory if the facts don't exist. If any of the facts exists in the engine, none of the facts are inserted.
IFactResult TryInsertAll(IEnumerable<object> facts)
IEnumerable<object>Facts to insert.
- IFactResult
Result of facts insertion.
Bulk session operations are more performant than individual operations on a set of facts.
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
TryInsertAll(IEnumerable<object>, BatchOptions)
Inserts new facts to the rules engine memory if the facts don't exist. If any of the facts exists in the engine, the behavior is defined by BatchOptions.
IFactResult TryInsertAll(IEnumerable<object> facts, BatchOptions options)
IEnumerable<object>Facts to insert.
BatchOptionsOptions that define behavior of the batch operation.
- IFactResult
Result of facts insertion.
Bulk session operations are more performant than individual operations on a set of facts.
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
Removes a fact from the rules engine memory if the fact exists.
bool TryRetract(object fact)
objectFact to remove.
- bool
Whether the fact was retracted or not.
Bulk session operations are more performant than individual operations on a set of facts.
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
Removes existing facts from the rules engine memory if the facts exist. If any of the facts don't exist in the engine, none of the facts are removed.
IFactResult TryRetractAll(IEnumerable<object> facts)
IEnumerable<object>Facts to remove.
- IFactResult
Result of facts removal.
Bulk session operations are more performant than individual operations on a set of facts.
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
TryRetractAll(IEnumerable<object>, BatchOptions)
Removes existing facts from the rules engine memory if the facts exist. If any of the facts don't exist in the engine, the behavior is defined by BatchOptions.
IFactResult TryRetractAll(IEnumerable<object> facts, BatchOptions options)
IEnumerable<object>Facts to remove.
BatchOptionsOptions that define behavior of the batch operation.
- IFactResult
Result of facts removal.
Bulk session operations are more performant than individual operations on a set of facts.
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
Updates a fact in the rules engine memory if the fact exists.
bool TryUpdate(object fact)
objectFact to update.
- bool
Whether the fact was updated or not.
Bulk session operations are more performant than individual operations on a set of facts.
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
Updates existing facts in the rules engine memory if the facts exist. If any of the facts don't exist in the engine, none of the facts are updated.
IFactResult TryUpdateAll(IEnumerable<object> facts)
IEnumerable<object>Facts to update.
- IFactResult
Result of facts update.
Bulk session operations are more performant than individual operations on a set of facts.
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
TryUpdateAll(IEnumerable<object>, BatchOptions)
Updates existing facts in the rules engine memory if the facts exist. If any of the facts don't exist in the engine, the behavior is defined by BatchOptions.
IFactResult TryUpdateAll(IEnumerable<object> facts, BatchOptions options)
IEnumerable<object>Facts to update.
BatchOptionsOptions that define behavior of the batch operation.
- IFactResult
Result of facts update.
Bulk session operations are more performant than individual operations on a set of facts.
- RuleLhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' left-hand side expressons. This exception can also be observed as an event LhsExpressionEvaluatedEvent.
- AgendaExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the agenda expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event AgendaExpressionFailedEvent.
- RuleRhsExpressionEvaluationException
Error while evaluating any of the rules' right-hand side expressions. This exception can also be observed as an event RhsExpressionFailedEvent.
Updates existing fact in the rules engine memory.
void Update(object fact)
objectFact to update.
Bulk session operations are more performant than individual operations on a set of facts.
- ArgumentException
If fact does not exist in working memory.
Updates existing facts in the rules engine memory.
void UpdateAll(IEnumerable<object> facts)
IEnumerable<object>Facts to update.
Bulk session operations are more performant than individual operations on a set of facts.
- ArgumentException
If any fact does not exist in working memory.